Getting started
The fastest way to get your chat widget on your website is to go to, and follow instructions on the page.
Getting your beautiful chat widget is just a few clicks away:
Go to
Sign in with one of providers like Envato, Google.
If you don't have an account yet, Chat will redirect you to create a new account page:
Now fill all required fields:
(!) Select a region: Select one of available regions. It's where your cloud data will be stored (i.e. chats, users and images). As mentioned in the setup, we recommend you to choose the one legally eligible or where your target clients are located.
You may NOT be able to transfer your data to another region at the moment (i.e. from Newark to Tokyo). We'll work on migrating data between regions for the future updates.
Site domain: Your domain URL without prefix. For instance, (you can change it later)
Site name: Your site name (you can change it later)
Operator name: That name will present you to your visitors and other teammates (you can change it later)
Finally accept terms of usage
Click "Create first app" button
Now Chat creates a new account for you and redirects you to the chat console.
Chat won't store any data of you on screets Cloud until you click "Create first app" even though you gave permission before through one of providers like Envato, Google.
Click "Settings" icon on admin bar and "Installation"
Now you can follow instructions on the page.